Friday, August 15, 2008

The Ravages of Time

The most inevitable thing next to taxes is dying. For some reason I am feeling old today. I got plenty of rest last night (turning in before 9:00 actually); maybe that's a sign in itself. I am extremely busy today and maybe the workload is wearing on me. Maybe it's just fatique as opposed to feeling old but when I looked in the mirror this morning and saw my moustache gretting progressively grayer, it sparked a tinge of sadness. Oh, I'm still the very happy and optimistic Donny that you all have come to know.

The sadness is not that I am getting old to the point of infirmity but that I am just getting older period. I am closer to 60 than I am to 50 now; in fact, I'm 3/4 of the way there and certain realities will be setting in soon. Realities such as not being able to physically keep up with Spencer which to me is one of the great sadnesses that I will face.

I was always an able athlete coming up and played all of the major sports. Having four daughters, there was never the chance for a son to see me do "my thing" out there although my girls did enjoy watching me play. The father's in my world know what I'm speaking of.

Of course, I have to temper this with the fact that Spencer was NOT planned and he was a most wonderful gift.

But, this whole process of aging is staying with me today. I think I still "look good for my age" and all that, and I pray to God that He will grant me the years and opportunities to live a good retirement like my dear friends Tinkertoy and Saraphen.

I hope to still be able to host and travel to meet and greets when they occur and continue to meet good people along the way. Ironically, I'm hosting my monthly meet and greet tonight and then traveling to Philadelphia tomorrow for Samuel Bailey's Black & White Night at the fabulous Drexelbrook Mansion. I went last year with CharJ and we had a really good time although it was so hot that night. So, look for a bunch of pictures from that.

But, back to the Aging.

We can always cite that we may be getting better as we age, and we would surely wish we had the knowledge and wisdom that we possess now much earlier in life but, doggonit, it's tough getting older. Of course, there is NOTHING we can do about it and I'm not going for anyone's face lift or tummy tuck or any Botox garbage and end up looking Burt Reynolds.

Naturally, I'm happy that the Lord is granting second chances to me each morning and I'm not unhappy with my lot in life. The opportunities to serve Him will reoccur or they won't but I will gladly accept them when and if they do. At this point in my life, I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone so the focus should be on the here and now, as well as creating a golden future for myself.

So, in the face of it all, and despite what sadness may ensue, I will continue to "dance like no one is watching" tonight and tomorrow. I hope Dredfoxx and her beloved can come by so I can finally meet her! I will continue to seek reasons to smile at and to hug a friend. I will continue to be extremely grateful for everything and try to put this moment of reflection back in the box where it belongs.

But, aside from Tink and Sara, how do the rest of you feel about your aging? Of course, Tink and Sara are more than welcome to comment but I am curious as to what the rest of you think and how you approach this inevitable thing?



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