Sunday, September 19, 2010

Black people
Illegal Immigrants The Irish The Italians
The Arabs
The Muslims

The Great Unwashed...

And, on and on it goes.
The latest version is when the woman in Vancouver blamed a Black woman for splashing acid in her face only to admit later that she made it up.

Remember, Susan Smith when she drowned her boys? Who did she blame then?

Then, there is the infamous Rosewood episode. *sigh*

Now, as then, the subconscious of America creates boogeymen to blame for the perceived downfall of their society. America as a separate entity, read empire, is not what it used to be. The American ideal is now a global concept and many people are seeking to live what Americans have always put up as THE way to live.
Now that more economies around the world are growing, it is almost as if you look on with nostalgia at that first girl/boyfriend that you dumped as they are living well with someone new.

The America that we all once knew is still there but it needs to wake up from her own self-induced nightmare that always wants to blame someone else for every perceived evil that is in front of her.
The issue here is not race anymore as much as it is class.

The poor, for the most part, don't want to be poor. Many would love to be at least lower middle class and many make it there in spite of all of the barriers along the way. But, for a lot of poor people, the "system" has them locked in in such a way that they cannot see beyond their poverty to even start to get out.

The system is their "Matrix" and they are now immune to advancement.
Those who are nostalgic for the "good old days" know that the only differentiation between the privileged and those who were not, was the mechanism which kept the prosperous prosperous and those who weren't as unable to do so.

Within each ethnic group, this happens so there's no need to blame another group for consensual economic suicide.
There are of course many other mitigating reasons for poverty and discrimination but at some point, someone is going to have to correct their own circumstance by focusing on local concerns.

Keep your own house clean by not tolerating the criminal element, by INSISTING that your educational institutions are operated as boot camps for the ready-to-be educated, and that decency and courtesy are the hallmark of being who you are rather than the fringe depiction of cartoonish caricatures by videos and satire.

As I have said before, stop waiting for the racist/bigot to stop being racist or bigoted before you step up to take control of your life and to reclaim your identity. You do not need their permission!!!
The sad but true bottom line is that when it comes to boogeymen, one need only look in the mirror through your own distorted eyes to see who is truly the star of that nightmare.


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