Monday, September 8, 2008

(Repost) Naked in the Dark

Naked in the dark...irrelevant...beyond the wind's caress...

Aimlessly adrift on the snores of a thunderstorm.

Feeling not the ground beneath my feet...absent...empty valleys abound

No marker on the unknown path to follow.

The quest is not why nor who but where? From today, from last hour,

I seek the direction to you.

I hear you call...feel your draw...I seek and grope and crawl and struggle.

Are you...over the next rise...around this or that corner?

I seek to be what I seek...I seek the reflection of you in me.

I am naked in the dark...irrelevant.

Are you my Redemption? Are you Love? Are you the Answer?

Will you clothe my nakedness...provide relevance?

I hear my tears fall...noisily...on the walls of this prison.

I slip on the sodden silk towards a fate not imagined.

From this night's dream, I pray for arousal...pray for your touch

To waken from the slow desperate death of this nightmare.

Break my fast; pull back the heavy blind which grays the day

And prevents the glow of fondest wishes coming true.

Provide the Hand to reach for; Be the Voice to hear

Between my heart's hollow echoes; to shatter the desolate aloneness.

I am naked in the dark...irrelevant...

To cry and not be lash out at the nothing there;

To hold onto only wisps of awake...and blink useless eyes.

I am naked in the dark...irrelevant...

Chained to myself...bound to yesterday.

My rounded edges provide no grip on the staircase of Escape.

I shall pray...

I shall seek release...

I shall awaken...

I shall be clothed in daylight...

I shall be freed to breathe...

I shall be



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