Monday, September 8, 2008

Press "1" for English; Press "2" for Ebonics

I was over on Black Planet recently which is as we all know an essentially Black person's site. The Planet with its millions of members spans the globe and brings so many of us together in a social way. But, at the same time, it exposes our weaknesses and shows them to us in a very raw fashion.

I'm not sure why people mistake Black Planet for Nude Africa; or why people believe that when they are trying to appear educated, they write as they speak on a casual, every-day basis. Of course, most if not all of us are "bi-lingual," meaning we understand Black slang as well as proper English so we can get to what the writer is saying.

But, the question begs as to when does your online persona end and the real life person must begin. For instance, at the workplace, do you speak Ebonically? Do you write the same way?

At our job the receptionist is Black and I was standing there chatting with her one day. Also in the lobby were visitors: 6 white men and 1 Black woman. One of our co-workers walks up and in a very audible voice asks, "Ain't y'all got no peanuts?" Good God! The receptionist and I looked mortified! The eyes of the Black woman visitor and ours met and the look that registered on our faces caused her to smile...probably in embarrassment.

But, come on, THIS something that you want an outside visitor to hear and believe that THIS is what your company is all about?

I go into some government offices and I hear the hip-hop station playing and Black people with bad voices singing along...during working hours.

So, I'm not talking about what goes on in offices that are predominately White but when it comes to US, have you ever wondered WHY we are the butt of racial jokes? Where is our sense of pride? Where is our supposed work ethic that says that we must work twice as hard to get just as far?

When you write/speak do you make these errors:

  • Bare with me, instead of bear with me?
  • Guessbook (on Black Planet) instead of guestbook?
  • Dis instead of this?
  • Dat instead of that?
  • Prolly instead of probably?
  • Then instead of than?
  • Than instead of then?
  • There instead of their?
  • Their instead of they're?
  • Imma instead of I will?
  • You don't pronounce your "t's?"
  • You end sentences with "at?"
  • And every other sentence has the F word or N word in it?

Now, don't get me wrong...slang is slang and there is "chat speak" when you're online but in business, you cannot do that. The reason for it is that English is the ONE thing we ALL have in common in America...and it is important that ALL of us get it right.

When you are writing a business plan and a proposal that you will submit to investment bankers/brokers, is your English so bad that you are immediately labeled as unintelligent?

Do you STILL think that mastering English is "speaking White" or do you NOW realize that mastering English is mastering the society at large? Can you understand what that contract that you're getting ready to sign is all about?

I have no pity for people who should know better...and do not look for me to help you after the fact when you went through 12 years of a FREE public education and didn't take advantage of !

We can be our own worst enemy and if you don't believe it, go to If you think that all the stuff up there is "cute" or you don't see anything wrong with it, then you have a problem. If you look in the mirror and see STUPID HOT GHETTO MESS all over your face, then you have your answer as just how prosperous the rest of your life is going to be.

Wake up, folks...being smart is a Black thing...has been throughout recorded history...until we got to America and thought that it was too European to be a thriving member of this society. On your way out, if you ever leave, make room for all the Africans, Haitians, and Jamaicans killing themselves to get here and decide who will get the better end of the deal.

Anyway...I'm going to breathe now and see what someone else has to say...


Blogger Dredfoxx said...

I will write HAY or one of my trademarks when chatting with my friends is asking "Are you DARE?", however, I know when I am writing something that is spelled incorrectly.

I am sure I misspell some words or use an incorrect word on occasion, but I honestly try not to.

I know the difference between casually written, not always grammatical words and how it SHOULD be written. I think that difference is key: knowing the difference and knowing when to turn it OFF.

Practice makes perfect, and practicing ebonics is not what I want to perfect, even though as you stated, I can understand it, it makes my head hurt when an entire PAGE is written that way. I generally just close that page rather than trying to decipher what amounts to hieroglyphics.

I am not judging anyone's intelligence or education, because some people simply do not write or express themselves well, but I too simply just do not like reading page after page after page of ebonics.

September 9, 2008 at 1:29 AM  
Blogger Don Short said...

One has to draw the analogy that if one cannot master English, then they cannot master what they are being taught...and then, by association, they are immediately behind anyone who does.

Street smarts can only carry one so far but can you imagine if one were to wed street smarts with book smarts? Lawd...what a combination!

We insist that the media and the larger society showcase Black talent and accomplishments. Well, if the ONLY thing that one can point to is what happens through BET, then the accomplishments of those in business are drowned out.

However, as an ancillary to this, when not-fully educated babies, are having babies, the cycle continues and will never stop. 70% of all Black babies are born out of wedlock. Where is the shame in this? There USED to be considerable shame but now, it's all "ok?"

We accept so much less than our best and allow it to slide because of "live and let live." I say no more because if YOUR life is going to determine how MINE is going to be viewed, then I'm going to make sure that yours is taking advantage of all that is available to you. If you blow it, then you have no excuse...none. Not even poverty, racism, or broken homes.

There are enough people and programs to make sure that you have a chance to succeed...the choice is not ours, but yours.

It's a sad thing...very sad.

September 9, 2008 at 1:55 PM  
Blogger itsmecynthiamarie said...

I don't mind some ebonics when joking around with FRIENDS outside the working environment, but NEVER EVER EVER in a professional environment. And I will flat out ignore anyone who talks to me in ebonics in the office or someplace like that.

Both of my co-workers talk the ebonics even though they have a good command of the English language... they think it's funny. The female coworker dresses too young/trendy for her age and profession, and the male coworker wears suits in bizarre colors like bright purple, royal blue, lime green... they are the butt of jokes in the whole organization.

September 13, 2008 at 8:13 PM  

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